Pasha Marlowe

Neuroinclusion and Belonging


Pasha Marlowe, MFT
Creating Cultures of Neuroinclusion

(Check out the speaking tab for the media kit and reel for universities)

Creating cultures of neuroinclusion and belonging IS the future of work!

By 2030, Millennials and GenZ will be the majority of the workforce. Recent research has shown that one third of millennials identify as disabled (apparent and non-apparent disabilities) and HALF of Gen Z identifies as neurodivergent (as in diverging from neuronormative standards) and disabled. A third of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQIA+. Is your organization or school prepared to support, advocate, and accommodate your current and incoming students or workforce?

For organizations that want to hire, retain, and support intergenerational talent, the future of work has to include policies and strategies that prioritize DEIAB, neurodiversity, disability, and gender-affirming practices. The result will be cultures of neuroinclusion and NEUROBELONGING, where employees of ALL neurotypes can thrive and rise. The business case is clear-increased engagement, collaboration, problem solving, and innovation!

Pasha Marlowe brings 30 years of professional experience as a mental health professional and coach for neurodivergent adults. She speaks on virtual and live global stages on issues of neurodiversity, disability inclusion, and LGBTQIA+ advocacy. She also brings 53 years of lived experience as a multiply-neurodivergent, disabled, and queer person.

Pasha's keynotes and workshops are uniquely relatable, inclusive, compassionate, and always include large doses of humor so as to entertain while educating and inspiring.

Pasha's signature keynotes (details in speaker packet):

Neurodiversity 101

Creating Neuroinclusive Cultures

DEIAB-why all the letters matter

How to Support Neurodivergent, Disabled, and LGBTQ+ talent

Unpacking Neuronormativity

Psychological Safety

The Burnout Recovery Cycle

"The work Pasha does in teaching neurodiversity-affirming practices to organizations is critical."

Mel Robbins

Past Experience

"Pasha ' s intergenerational leadership work is the vehicle that drives organizations to success as they inclusively attract, retain, and support neurodiverse talent"

  • -Frankie Russo, Innovation Expert

Enjoy this episode to learn about Pasha's neurodiversity advocacy work

Pasha's professional speaking experience:

Okta "Supporting Neurodivergent Talent"

Bamboo HR "How to Retain Neurodivergent Talent"

US Govt, Department of Labor "Neurodiversity and Disability Inclusion"

Maine HR Conference "Creating Cultures of Neuroinclusion"

CHADD International ADHD Conference "Neuroqueering"

Comscore "Supporting Neurodivergent and Queer Employees"

Systems Engineering "Managing Neurodivergent Talent"

State of Minnesota ERG "Neuroinclusion"

Tiimo "Neurodiversity 101" and "Neurodivergent Relationships"

Spectrum Services "Navigating Neurodivergence"

Maine Inclusion Conference "Disability Inclusion"
ADDA's TADD TALK "Neuroqueering and Depathologizing ADHD"

International Chadd conference “Find the HA in ADHD”

Holy Cross College "Creating Neuroqueer Culture"

Maine Educator's Symposium "Neuroinclusion in Schools"
Maine Women’s Conference “Healing With Humor”

Diversify Thinking "Creating Neuroinclusive Cultures"

Inflow "Managing the ADHD mind"

Maine HR Conference "Burnout"

US Govt, Department of Defense "Grief in the Workplace"

Pasha in the Media

Forbes article-Neurodiversity expert

Discover ad-Neurodiversity expert

Radio Maine-Neurodiversity and Disability Inclusion

We Can Do Hard Things Podcast

Freedom To Love film

In the Burbs TV Show

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